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Past Events
Event: Butterfly Gardening
Speaker: Aileen Barclay
Date: May 14, 2002
Time: 7:00 PM
Prudential Properties Plus, 1052 Kingston Road
This seminar will provide valuable insights on butterfly gardening for nature lovers and gardeners from Aileen Barclay of the Toronto & Region Conservation Authority.
Event: The Facts About
Second Suites
Residential Fire Code Retrofit, Basement Apartments,
what you need to know
Speaker: Paul Schuster ( Fire Protection Technologist)
Date: February 28th, 2002
Time: 7:00 PM
RSVP: By February 15th, by
calling Cristina van Blommestein 416-606-4663
This seminar will provide information about how to put in a second suite in your home. We will discuss what is considered a second suite, what the benefits are of a second suite and the benefits of legalizing an existing second suite. We will discuss why are they permited now , what the requirement of the Ontario Fire Code are and much more. Join us!
A Crime Concern meeting in The Cliffside Community
was hosted by the Cliffside Community Association on November 20th,
2001. Some concerns were expressed when the Cliffside Village Community
Association hosted it's first community Crime Concern meeting. Lori
Meltcalf of Scarborough Crime Concern, and Police Constable Claudine
Thomas from 41 division, addressed these and other concerns, that attending
members of the community had, regarding safety and the prevention of crime
in the Cliffside Village community. Although all aspects of community
safety were addressed the overriding concern of those community members
attended the meeting was how they could stop
gangs of youths from hanging around on the street.
Constable Thomas advocated the use of good common
sense. "If you see a group and your by yourself avoid the confrontation
if you can." Constable Thomas was also quick to come to the defense of
the youths telling the
assembly that, as a member of the Toronto Police's
Summer Heat program, she had a chance to meet a lot of these kids face
to face. "The vast majority of these kids are really good kids. It's
just that they don't have any
where to go. The schools don't want them
in the yard after dark, the community doesn't want them on the street
and there are no facilities or organized activities provided for them."
The Directors of the Cliffside Village Community
Association want the community to know that the association as a united
and organized voice can get these and other concerns brought to the attention
of the municipal
government through contact with councilor Brian
Ashton or direct deputation's to City Council. "We understand that
people don't have the time for the hands on commitments they used to,"
the President of the
association said, "By the time you finish working
all day, get something to eat, and have the house work done your ready
to collapse. That's why the C.V.C.A. wants to act as your voice.
You can visit the C.V.C.A. web site at cliffsidevillage.organd
see what activities we're involved in or send us an e-mail to let us know
what's important to you."
Although the concerns for the safety of the community were expressed it was the general consensus of those attending that meetings such as this are a good and important step in the continued protection and growth of the community. The Community Association would like to plan another meeting in the spring.
Toronto Waterfront Naturalization Initiative
The Toronto Waterfront Naturalization Initiative (TWNI) is gearing up for the fall tree and shrub planting season. TWNI works with the community to rehabilitate the Toronto Waterfront in order to increase available fish and wildlife habitat.
Join Cliffside Village Community Association for a day of tree and shrub planting along the spectacular Scarborough Bluffs. We will be planting native trees and shrubs along the top of the Bluffs to provide bird and wildlife habitat while helping to reduce erosion. The day will also feature live critters, face painting, information booths and many more fun filled activities. Come out and help the environment while having fun and learning!! A great event for the whole family. Groups and individuals are also welcome! Refreshments and materials will be provided. Please call to register.
Located at the end of Undercliff Drive. Take Kingston
to Midland and turn south. At Ramona Drive turn east, then north on Scarborough
Crescent, Undercliff will be on the right. Follow the signs.
Planting Festival at Marie Curtis Park
If you would like to be part of this event please
give me a call!